2023(1): Editorial Introduction to Volume 2023

Welcome to the third issue of Cases on Leadership for Equity and Justice in Higher Education (CLEJHE). CLEJHE is an ongoing, peer-reviewed, open-access publication devoted to case studies addressing complex issues affecting higher education leadership and policy.

 The varied situations seen daily in colleges and universities across the United States are explored in the case studies through an equity lens. The journal’s exercises allow readers to practice responding to actual circumstances that affect faculty, staff, students, and the academic community. Case studies provide the chance to apply strategic and just decision-making techniques to various scenarios. These case studies also offer an opportunity to connect with ambiguity while remaining purposeful.

Our goal is for this journal to serve as a practical, relevant, and easily accessible teaching tool that promotes equity with leaders in higher education.

Karen Armstrong
Senior Editor
Cases on Leadership for Equity and Justice in Higher Education

Executive Editor
Robin Schofield

Managing Editors
Molly McKeon
Abby Rose

Advising Editor
Nina Buchanan

Editorial Board
Karen Armstrong
Jenine Buchanan
Vikki Carr
Brian DeLevie
Jonathan Frein Proano
Diane Hegeman
Daniel Lawrence
Molly McKeon
FeAunte Preyear
Jacquelyn Ray
Abby Rose
Elena Sandoval-Lucero
Robin Schofield
Georgette Vigil